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Tanwood School for Performing Arts -
Training in all aspects of the profession

What does Tanwood stand for?
T Training for life
A Achieving maximum potential
N Nurturing the individual
W Wholly committed to improvement
O Open door policy
O Opportunities to excel
D Dedicated pupils and staff

Our Mission - TNWD Performing Arts School
To be the Premier Performing Arts School for the Swindon community. Providing a complete experience, built on a proud tradition and reputation, but always innovative and striving for continuous improvement and progression.
- Provide best in class performing arts tuition.
- Be seen as a centre of excellence in all respects.
- Provide a curriculum which is comprehensive and complete always meeting the needs of pupils.
- Produce innovative and creative performers who have the skill to inspire.
- Encourage versatility to acquire skills and knowledge to succeed in future life.
- Foster the involvement of parents for the benefit of pupil development.
- Establish an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance.
- Provide a service for pupils of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.
- Value all pupils equally recognising all contributions and achievements.
- Provide a safe and accessible environment.
- Constantly strive for the highest possible standards and continuous improvement in all areas.
- Attract and retain staff of the highest calibre.
- Provide a welcoming and supportive environment for all students, staff and any one who as contact with the school.
- Promote activities which provide interaction between the school, business, and the community.
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